Red Culture Entertainment
Red Culture Entertainment
A New Era of Red Culture Entertainment?
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -5:53

A New Era of Red Culture Entertainment?

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Red Culture Entertainment, home of TransWarp Drive and The Arcaneum.

I am looking to create a new era of Red Culture Entertainment. Frankly, doing everything here by myself is almost impossible. I have so many things I am working on, including job searching and writing for other blogs, that I don’t have time to do everything here on my own. My hopes are to have a flagship weekly podcast along with our monthly podcasts (more on those later) which would free me up from having to pump out blog articles as quickly. Frankly, I have been experiencing burn out from writing so many chapters of my books, articles for other blogs, and having to maintain this. I can’t keep this up, but I want Red Culture Entertainment to thrive. So, here, and now I am putting out a call for a podcast co-host. If you are interested in science fiction and/or fantasy, I would love to have you! It would be once a week, and all you would need to do is some discussion at some point during the week about what we’re discussing and then show up at recording time (which would be determined by working out our schedules). I am not expecting you to edit audio or do graphic design work or anything like that, unless you want to.

In addition to the flagship podcast, I have several monthly podcasts I have either started or will be starting. I have started “New Journeys” already (sorry for a lack of an October one, this past month has been too chaotic for me to record it), which is a monthly news podcast. That is, we discuss the science fiction and fantasy news from that month, so you know what’s coming out, what’s been cancelled, exciting new projects that have been announced, etc. We also have “Postscript” which is a more serious podcast. In that one, we just discuss whatever has been going on in my life, what it is I’m thinking about, and non-science fiction and fantasy things I have been into lately. I am also starting interviews for a podcast called “All Who Wander.” This is a podcast series where I interview you the fan of these genres. If you’ve ever listened to “We The Gamercast,” imagine something like that, but for sci-fi and fantasy. If yoU want to be interviewed for that, let me know in the comment section or by messaging me on any of my social media accounts. “Postscript” and “New Journeys” are paid podcasts that you can only get by subscribing for $5 a month here on Substack. “All Who Wander” will be available for everyone for free (though paid subscribers will get it early, as they get everything early).

I also plan to do little side podcasts occasionally, like maybe lore podcasts for different books or video games. I will also be releasing at least one short story every month. All of these will only be given to paid subscribers. I just need to be able to do other things that aren’t taking up as much of my writing time. Once again, I will be writing blog articles, but less often, and more importantly: now it will be about stuff that I really care about. I can spend more time crafting a fantastic, well-researched blog article rather than constantly pumping them out just to keep content churning. There are many topics I want to cover, but will require time and research. None of these will be possible unless I change up how Red Culture Entertainment is run.

Final few notes: we are no longer on Patreon, Locals, or doing monthly subscriptions on Ko-Fi. We are still keeping around Ko-Fi, but only to use it for commissions, to use it as a store, and fundraising. I desperately need a new computer, and we are raising money for it on there. The last thing I would like to mention is about our podcast feed: we are now combining everything onto one feed that will be called: Red Culture Entertainment. I would recommend subscribing through Substack to have your own personal RSS feed to ensure you get every episode. It is possible though to subscribe in any podcast player that uses Apple Podcasts as its catalog (Pocket Casts, Overcast, Castro, etc.) or Spotify. Google Podcasts technically has it, but seems to have trouble finding every episode and showing correct episode information. The public feed is:

Once again though, I do recommend subscribing to this Substack, so you can not only get every episode but every thread and article (even better if you get a paid subscription!). We will also be giving a discount for annual paid subscriptions (20% off through the end of the week). Anyway, thank you for reading or for listening.

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